
At Montana Tech, our students are our number one priority. 无论你需要什么,我们的团队都会为你服务. Our service team strives to help you succeed academically and in life. You can find our various services offered listed below. 在一起, we are here to ensure that our students feel supported as they navigate the educational landscape.


Academic advisors help keep you on track, connect with resources, and graduate on time.


See all of the experimental learning, internships, and clubs that our campus has to offer.


作为学生的统一声音, ASMT在学生之间架起了桥梁, 政府, 和社区.


Our mission is simple: to help students and alumni be prepared to achieve their career goals and help them find quality jobs and internships.


Montana Tech offers many programs to keep our students happy and healthy, 无论是身体上还是精神上, 包括免费咨询服务.


DiggerCards are needed to access many services on campus. View our location and hours, submit your photo, and make a deposit for your Digger Dollars.


Montana Tech offers a variety of dining services options to our students, with multiple affordable and convenient meal plan options.


你有残疾吗? 残疾人服务 is here to assist with accommodations.


Funding your Montana Tech education is a major financial commitment for you and perhaps for your family as well. We will work with you to make your path to a successful future affordable.


菲律宾十大彩票平台大学’s Student 健康中心 provides several services to keep our students healthy. Our health care providers can diagnose and treat acute and chronic conditions.

住房 & Res生活

你在大学里留下的所有回忆, the most meaningful and long-lasting will include your friends. Many of those friendships will begin in your residence hall.


The 保险 Plan is designed to cover major medical expenses, 包括住院治疗, 门诊手术, 处方, 以及紧急服务. 它不包括视力或牙齿.


我们的团队将协助您注册, 记录更新, 成绩单, 转移信用, 毕业要求和信息, 验证信息.


Good conduct is important to maintaining a safe and welcoming campus. Learn about violations and what is reportable on campus, including Title IX and academic dishonesty violations.


Broaden your horizons and see the world on one of our faculty-led programs abroad.


The 测试 Center is here to ensure students meet their academic and professional goals, 无论是参加必要的分班测试, 一个适应的教员考试, 或通过HiSET®获得GED.


The Institute for Educational Opportunities is a consortium of 三人组 programs developed to provide K-12 and college students with the tools and support they need to achieve success.


卓越学术中心提供旁听服务, 集团, 和私人, 以及帮助你成功的在线辅导资源.


工作人员, 政府 and faculty of Montana Tech are here to assist you in your transition to civilian and campus life as you pursue your 学位.